

Founded in 2008 PT. Galaxindo an Indonesia based lighting solution company is focused on Lighting Design, integration of lighting system and the newest lighting technology. We believe that every space and project is unique and we are highly committed to the standard of legal and ethical dealings to deliver the best services in design, quality of products and unrivalled services to all our valued clients.

Nowadays, Galaxindo’s known as the most Corporative Lighting Studio that not just selling drawings, but we make it to reality.
What You See Is What You Get!



Our goal is to ASSIST you to attain SUCCESS toward your DESIGN and FINANCIAL goals. We consistently exploring the new way to deliver GOOD DESIGN and carefully integrate the latest and most appropriate lighting technology.



To CREATE a GOOD LIGHTING DESIGN is our PASSION. A good lighting that can creates mood, ambience and make it prestige. We’re very carefully integrate the lighting system and the newest technology into the design to give our Clients a maximum value.


Stage of Lighting Design

1. Appointment

Sign contract with client

2. Conceptual Lighting Design

Coordination with Client and Consultants to proposed lighting concept

3. Design Development

Provide all the design data for construction and development needed [fullpackage]

4. Budget Plan

Estimate overall costing for special lighting needed

5. Commissioning

Final aiming on site and programming